Thursday, April 8, 2010

Golf Pro

We are actually have Spring Spring!! Amazing isn't it?! A couple of weeks ago when it was unseasonably warm yet VERY windy, Ross and I went to the Fellowship field and had a picnic and played. Ross played golf and baseball, and had a blast even though it really stirred up his allergies. 

Side note: Playing outside alot during Springtime blooming when your child has allergies and apparently ASTHMA will win you a trip to the ER during the middle of the night before Easter....but I digress :)

We had such a great time that I didn't take that many pictures. We also ended up at the playground afterwards. It was a fun filled/low key day!


1 comment:

Katie said...

Juli ~ Just precious.

What a small world! Your family is beautiful.

Wasn't the helicopter drop hilarious!? We loved it and hope they do it every year. Z was just old enough this year to get into it.

My parents and in-laws go to Fellowship. It's a wonderful church. We actually were at the Sat. night service, too! I almost fainted I got so hot. ; )