Tuesday, October 6, 2009

School Picture Day

AND it's raining of course! At least Ross doesn't have much hair to mess up.

As I stated in my last post I had to go and get him some new fall/winter clothes because he's had a growth spurt. While I was there I found this cute outfit for pictures today! Isn't it precious? It's all from the Gap. Also on a side note, the background for the pictures was a "mountain scene".....that should be interesting to see!

Practicing his pose...

I found these adorable shoes at the Gap as well...

Practicing the smile

Also, last night my friend Miste and her son Reed came to spend the night with us. We went shopping today while Ross was in school. :)

Precious Reed

Me and my Level 4!!..Love her!

Well, now Ross and I are cozied up on the couch waiting on Daddy to get home. It's rainy and nasty outside so we are having Taco Soup tonight. Hope it's yummy!!

Stay dry!!

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