Monday, October 5, 2009

The Weekend

Wow! I can't believe the weekend is over and it's the start of another week. We had a really good weekend around the Morgan house. On Friday night Ross got invited to go and spend the night at Mrs. Cindy's house (which is our friend Dustin's parent's house).

Ross LOVES Mrs. Cindy and Mr. David. They are like his Little Rock set of grandparents and they treat him like a grandson. It's wonderful!

Ross, Mr. David and Mrs. Cindy

This is Gia! She spent the night too.

Ross checking Gia out in the car...

So while Ross was with his Little Rock grandparents, Mommy and Daddy got to have a great time with some great friends.

Wes and I at Jerry B's

On Saturday we had people from Wes' office over for games of Baggo, food, and to watch the Razorback game. It started at 2 and went on until midnight. Lots of fun!

On Sunday we went and visited my Aunt Paulette who is in the hospital here in Little Rock. Please remember her in your prayers. She's been diagnosed with cancer and will be starting chemo today.

Well, kind of a boring post but as this is my scrapbook/journal I wanted to remember what went on this weekend. Now Ross and I are off the the mall to buy him some new pants and shirts since he's officially grown out of his 3T stuff from last year.

Enjoy your day!

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